
Tudo tem uma explicacao...

Nao ha maneira de me esquecer que estou na Tailandia:
As refeicoes sao feitas com garfo e colher,
Os sapatos dos miudos tem rodinhas, chiam ou dao luz,
Quando se compra uma garrafa de agua dao um saco plastico e uma palhinha,
Noodle soup come-se com pauzinhos,
Ha versoes whitening de cremes hidratantes, locoes e ate desodorizantes para tornar a pele mais clara!!
Nos locais publicos as 6 da tarde toda a gente se imobiliza para ouvir uma especie de hino e prestar homenagem a sua magestade o Rei.
E finalmente... as pessoas acham que os europeus sao bonitos so porque tem olhos redondos e o nariz nao e' achatado!!
Por essa razao no concurso Miss Nopamas em que fui gentilmente convidada a participar, as 10 candidatas asiaticas estavam provavelmente condenadas a partida, sendo a competicao entre mim e a Miss Switzerland... as unicas de olhos redondos!!! Foi uma experiencia inesquecivel, mas sem duvida unica ;)

Madness and Mayhem

2nd chapter
One warm summer evening, as we finished a delicious meal cooked by Twinkle (yes, she managed to make a damn good malai kofta) something occured to all of us simultaneously. Like a bolt of lightning struck us all at once... who's the father of Ines' baby? Surely after another bottle of wine we could get the answer out of her. Was it someone from the 'family' or was it an outsider?

Mai Pen Rai... we'll get it out of her by the end of the next few chapters... meanwhile, Twinkle was on the mission to get the house into shape. It was Tanguy and Lothar's job to look after everything to do with the mushrooms, but my goodness they were hopeless at their job!!! Instead harvesting the mushrooms (which had grown wild and lethal) Lothar was taking nude shots, and Tanguy was having more nightmares about naked fat women and cows because his psychologist had left him for another woman... poor Tanguy. Luckily Claudia was coming back, and what a welcome arrival she was! Chris also decided to come back from overseeing the dildo production in China to get the house back to order. Claudia's skills as a psychotherapist were great for Tanguy's well being, and she also started an exercise regime with Gunda to get us all back into shape to be better nude models for Lothar.

How will the house ever get back into order?

Tanguy decides to take action... finally! After a few hypnosis sessions with Claudia he discovers his long lost calling as 'Bob' the alter ego of his former self. Scary thought... yes... At this point, we are all grateful for a visit from Elsa... she will set him straight. This needed to be rectified quickly as we all now have names beginning with 'B' that resemble porn names - Bussy, Bunny, Baby, Billy, Bambi...


Once upon a time... in Portugal!

1st chapter
It's a sunny, blue sky day and little Wei lays down in the garden smoking grass with Jason. While a smoke rings competition is going on, they talk about how wonderful is grass in Portugal!!! She says she's gonna keep smoking for the next 6 months and then stop, be healthy and have a baby!!!!!

We live in a wondefull 3 floors house somewhere in North Portugal. The place is amazing, beautiful with all those mountains around us... The house is a old one so it needs some work on it. Right now Gunda is painting the front wall in the living room... I mean not painting with one only boring color. She has been painting in the last 10 days a huge buddha that will "smile on us" each time we enter the room (like the one in Simone's album, remember?). She really likes to paint (or to be stoned with the smell of the paintings?...) which means that she spends 24 hours a day on that wall... which means that Geonta, her horse, is right now starving!!!!

Besides Geonta, we have a rabbit pet and a cat. Tangui chose their names, the rabbit is Bunny and the cat Baby... Don't know why but I think there's something of a sexual frustration on these names... Tangui is schizophrenic, but he's much better now: he doesn't run naked anymore in the house in the middle of the night, and he stopped having these strange nightmares where he is attacked by big, fat naked women... He fell in love with his psychologist and things went so well that she might move here very soon. You know... charming portuguese girls.

Lothar arrives from London tomorrow, and it's so exciting because... you remember the pictures he took of Wei, Twinkle and me? "Nudes in yoga Asanas, different perspectives"? Se, well... after the success in Bangkok, he managed to make expositions in Porto, Venice and London!!! Everybody loved so much! And the best thing is: he's a f... rich guy now!!!! (Hey Wei, our sugar daddy was right in front of us!!!!!). He's thinking for the next work just skip the yoga think, just "Nudes, different perspectives".

I quit my PhD when I was 5 months pregnant of Kirill. Now he's 18 months and is a lovely child. Everybody wants to teach him his own language but, french, indian, german and english it's too much for him, so he just stares at me like he wants to ask "Mum, what's wrong with your friends?". I'm a yoga teacher, the rest of my time I'm a farmer and I run after Kirill that discovered few weeks ago the duck pond and decided he wants to take a bath in there... We are doing this biological agriculture thing and besides that we tried the mushroom cultivation, but Graeme was right: it stinks. Anyway that "special production" is going on!

When we arrived all these guys loved so much portuguese food that they put a lot of weight on them... To be honest it wasn't nice to see Twinkle with 65 Kg, so we decided that Wei would cook again her wonderful healthy salads... But Wei got just fed up with cooking and Twinkle had her trial,... thats why it's smelling like burned in the house today... Each time she cooks something not eatable she locks herself in her room, watches 3 hours of "Sex in the city" and everything is ok again!!!

Twinkle, together with Jason and Wei are working in the sex industry, they already started in Bangkok where their worries about lonely thai women led them to stablish a distribution company of dildos imported from China. The business advisor was Graeme Tayler and Chris is still there keeping things running! In Portugal things are not going so well as there was already a good bunch of fellows in the business...
Oh my godness! I've to go! KIRILL IS IN THE DUCK POND!

By the way
here it is our family album!

(Any similarity with reality is (more or less) coincidence.)


Dragao gigante dorme

Ta tudo bem
O dragao gigante dorme
Guarda com ele uma caixa vermelha que tem tudo o que de mais importante me aconteceu na vida...
Dorme quase sem respirar, profundamente, como um imenso mar sem uma unica onda

Movo-me no seu sono
Alimento-me da serenidade
Nao ocupo espaco.
Passo muito tempo imovel... em viagens pelos seus sonhos, por historias trazidas de longe onde procuro significados para as minhas proprias historias
Passo muito tempo a pensar... devagar... a sorrir as minhas memorias
Passo muito tempo a dancar... a forma das nuvens... a forma dos sonhos dele... que dorme

(Mas nao posso fazer barulho

So tenho que falar baixinho...
Porque sei que se ele nao acordar
Tudo permanecera la... na caixa vermelha...
Maravilhosamente lindo
Tao lindo


Today I'm home sick...

Tenho saudades tuas . Tenho saudades de pular na cama do Alex qd ele nao se quer levantar para o almoco ao fim de semana. Tenho saudades da carne estufada com cogumelos da Gracita, de conversas languidas e vinho quente no Clandestino ao Domingo a noite, da Costa Nova, das festas no Triplex. Tenho saudades do sofa da Uitta. Da Mana e da Luna. Tenho saudades das conversas ao jantar depois de uma garrafa e meia de alentejano bebida!!! Tenho saudades da minha cama!!!


Surya doing a thai massage course in Bangkok. Off line until Sunday.

This girl kills me!!!

Bangkok ou o caos no estado puro.
Demoro uma hora e meia a chegar a Wat Po que e' ao mesmo tempo o templo que alberga o gigante buda deitado (http://photos.travelog.org/view/71/) e onde se situa a escola de massagem tradicional tailandesa (http://www.watpomassage.com). O curso e' de 5 dias, 6 horas por dia. Os alunos sao na maioria tailandeses, japoneses, alguns franceses...
A minha parceira de curso e' tailandesa e esta gravida de 3 meses. Aprendemos as tecnicas, regras e sequencias basicas nos dois primeiros dias e depois basicamente foi... praticar (fica ja feito o aviso a navegacao: nao ha necessidade dos vossos corpos gentilmente cedidos como cobaias, o periodo de treino esta incluido no curso! Estou apta a cobrar!!! Eh eh!)
Em todo o caso, e' esta sorridente e simpatica parceira de curso que me mata, que exerce sobre os seus polegares em mim todo o peso do seu corpo gravido! Sim, massagem tailandesa pode DOER! Chego ao fim do dia como se tivesse corrido uma maratona!
Em dois dos dias poupei-me ao stress de regressar a casa. Quedei-me por alguma guest house barata de KohSan Road, vagueei por entre os vendedores ou simplesmente sentei-me algures a observar ao fauna de back packers que constantemente desfila por aquelas ruas: as rastas, as saias do JJ market, as t-shirts a dizer "same same but different", freaks fininhos de cabelo rapado, raparigas com roupas pequenas de mais, gente com um brilho nos olhos a sentir-se finalmente bem no papel de hippie. Same same...
Depois a Wei chega e vamos beber GinTonics.

Domingo a noite regresso ao campus feliz porque o curso acabou e porque posso respirar ar puro quando vejo varandas, imensas varandas enfeitadas com velas acesas e luzes de Natal...
A calma, o barulho dos insectos, as arvores e luzes de velas por todo lado! Pareceu-me lindo, tao lindo! E eu sem perceber porque.
Afinal e' a comunidade indiana a festejar o Dewali ou a festa das luzes. Celebram o regresso de Rei Rama de Ayodhya onde esteve exilado 14 anos... entre outras versoes !http://www.reachgujarat.com/diwali.htm


Em que parte da espiral de pensamentos que se afunda de mim para mim esta o medo? Ou o presente? Ou o incerto?
Em que parte a insatisfacao?

Em que parte da memoria esta a tarde a morrer e o sol a esvair-se em laranja?
Em que parte eu... as garcas a regressar a casa... insectos de lusco-fusco...
o tempo a correr pastoso em direccao a noite...

Que ecos permanecerao das vozes... Que tracos dos rostos...
Dos seroes em que amo... cada minuto... cada centimetro dos vossos gestos... em que o meu espaco somos nos a rir...
Que faco do mundo que toquei atraves deles?!...
O que faco do que me enche sem haver espaco em mim!

Na espiral de pensamentos que se afunda de mim para mim ha corpos entrelacados em edredons de cetim e almas a vaguear la fora sem nunca se encontrarem.
Ha corpos que nao se tocam e almas que sao a mesma.
Ha corpos que dancam, querem dancar o mundo e morrem de exaustao...
E almas escritas com pontos de interrogacao...
das coisas que se veem
das coisas que se tocam e se sentem
das coisas que se gritam e se esvaem em fumo
E que sao grandes de mais para mim...

Em que parte da memoria o sabor da viagem sem rumo...
em que parte o ser-se do nada...

Nao sei onde perdi as pedrinhas que indicavam o caminho de volta!!!